Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Happy soon to be holiday ish..... the season is almost upon us.....

Life is a really rough thing..... Frankly I've gotten to the point that I don't really like it much sometimes but in perspective I don't really don't want it to change. A simple life would mean there's nothing to think about, nothing to ponder, no problems to solve and worst of all it would be mundane. I could never handle that......

So in the years past I've done things, lots of things, mostly normal things really.

1. Cook, clean and general house work
2. Had my daughter at home
3. Taken care of my Tracheostomy dependent son ( Dr.'s appts, melt downs, etc.)
4. Helped take care of of my grandparents
5. Helped with people in the family who don't want to help themselves
6. Held a lot of things in
7. Let a lot of things out
8. Been happy
9. Been sad
10. Lied
11. Cried
12. Laughed
13. Played
14. Finished College Courses
15. Homeschooled boys
16. Held a newborn
17. Spoke the truth
18. Listened to the truth
19. Listened to lies
20. Gossiped
21. Been Gossiped about
22. Been on the receiving end of an argument
23. Been on the giving end of an argument
24. Been a gift giver
25. Been a gift receiver

      I do many of these things 365 days a year and honestly it's pretty real for most of us, minus the tracheostomy thing or having a kid at home ;) But my whole point in this list isn't to keep a tally of what I did or didn't do it's just to show that without much trouble we can all make a list and even check it twice we are all going to find out that at one point or another we've been naughty and we've been nice (well most of us ;))

So as we head into the holiday season where we will most likely stuffed into smaller than necessary spaces with people that we know have made less than great choices in the year (for some of us it will be us not even liking being around ourselves) remember that we all make good and bad ones so lets actually act like it!

The choices we make are no different really just different situations, different outcomes, different consequences and different results. Try to remember that if we are both doing the same thing...... we aren't all that different. 

God prefers a messy person!

(Written in 2017, published 2019)

Yes! It's official, God, the Almighty, the most Supreme prefers messy people! Throughout scripture He makes a point of showing us messy people!

Adam and Eve couldn't follow a basic rules.

Cain killed his brother.

Noah got drunk.

Lot got so drunk he sleep with his daughters and didn't know it!

and look at here people we haven't even left Genesis yet!

Moses murderer.... David murderer...... Baalam animal abuser..... Paul...... murderer....... Thomas.... doubter...... Peter.... liar....... Jonah......coward.......

Perfect might be the goal but God was super gracious when he showed us that messy isn't really the problem....

I'm my own level of a messy person.... we all have our mess but it shouldn't stop us from resting in God's all knowing grace. My kids will be the first to tell you I'm a hard mom, I expect a lot and rarely take "no", "I can't" or "it's too hard" for an answer. You see there are whole lot of messy people in the Bible in this world in our lives but that doesn't seem to be the issue God has with humanity.

Are y'all ready? Don't hold your breath because you will quickly think.... psssshhhh "I knew that".

It's the prideful He keeps at a distance.....

Psalm 138:6 For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly, but the haughty he knows from afar.

When God listed the things He couldn't stand He listed Haughtiness FIRST.......

Provers 6:16-19 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

Do you think that was a coincidence? I don't. Throughout the bible I see clear evidence that being prideful is the last thing the Lord seems to appreciate (be mindful that pride and confidence are NOT the same attribute however you must be very diligent to not enter pride when pursing confidence.). It seems to me that a fellow who says "I screwed up" is way more likely to find his way back to the graces of the Almighty than the one that can't seem to muster those words.
So really the take away for me is I know I have made plenty of mistakes, in life, parenting, spousing, probably even in just breathing :) But the ultimate reality is that I know I've made those mistakes.... I'm not afraid to admit it and I know that the Almighty is willing and ready to hear me out and offer me an unimaginable amount of grace that I don't deserve. I can't wrap my head around it most of the time but that's the beauty of God..... it isn't our job to understand it all.

Rest in grace and don't give up because of past mistakes. Be the messy person that God is the Master of!